Memories of previous editions
The second edition of the Chuysky Trakt has gathered 119 participants from eight countries.
Content by participants
Alexey Boldyrev (№112) has shared his video.
Mikko Mäkipää (No. 515) has shared his pictures and videos.
38 riders took part in the first edition of the Chuysky Trakt ride. Only 12 of them were from Novosibirsk, the others came from various places, from Krasnoyarsk to Hamburg.
Photos by participants
Photos by Elena Berezenkova, a volunteer.
Pavel Vasiljev from Novosibirsk first started as a rider number 10. Later, he retired from the ride and joined a team of volunteers at one of controls. He authors two photo galleries of the event: a rider and a volunteer view.
Photos by Andrey Khomutovsky, a volunteer at Control #5.