
The Chuysky Trakt ride complies to the rules based on ones set by Audax Club Parisien, Les Randonneurs Mondiaux, and the Russian society of long distance cycling. This ride is not a race. Anyone is allowed to enter the event, the only requirement is age: at least 18 year old.

The route takes public roads. The participants must obey the Russian traffic law and watch their own safety.

Each participant must care for everything that might be needed on the route. No support is allowed outside the controls.

The organizers have no capability of evacuating participants from the route. Riders who cannot progress further will receive support at controls (after people who continue their ride), but will have to go back from the route on their own.

Each participant is provided with a route card that must be filled in with marks at controls. Upon finish, the card must be signed by the owner and returned to the organizers. The ride is considered successful if finished in 90 hours after the start. All successful rides are registered with ACP, and the route cards are then returned to their owners with personal certificates. To be registered, the route card must be filled in properly.

The participants' names and their finish times may be published by organizers of the event and other participants. The personal information is not used for commercial purposes and is not given to any third party for that purpose.

By taking part in the event, the participant agrees to the rules above.

Privacy policy

We collect personal data of participants in three forms on this website: when subscribing to our newsletter on the main page, when accepting feedback, and also when registering the entry.

Why do we collect participants' personal data?

  • To personalize email messages.
  • To register and identify the participant.
  • To prepare the route card and the frame number.
  • To publish participant's progress during the event and their final result after finish.
  • To post the registered route card to participant's postal address.
  • To handle requests and complaints.

What data do we handle?

  • Contact data: email and postal address.
  • Identity data: first and last names, gender, birth date, and citizenship.
  • Data related to participant's club: federation, club, and license number.

Who receives the data?

  • The team of organizers (all provided data).
  • Company that transfers participants (identity data).
  • Administration of residential facility provided by organizers, if the participants wish to stay there (identity data).
  • Company that prints route cards (identity data, contact data).
  • Audax Club Parisien (identity data, information about participant's club).

How long do we keep the data?

  • Infinitely long; however, the participant may demand to stop keeping them (see below).

What do we do to protect data?

  • Access to data is provided only to those who need them to perform actions related to organize and hold the event.
  • We use industrial encryption protocols to secure data when we transfer them.
  • Should any of the above be violated, we will contact data owners.

What are participant's rights?

On the back: The valley of Chuya River

The valley of Chuya River. Photo by Alexey Zyryanov