
Please fill in and submit the entry form. A new rider's account will be created for you.

The e-mail that you provide will be used as login to access your account, and also to contact you.

The registration will start in January 2025. We will announce the registration fee, and explain how to pay no later than opening the registration.

We accept all entries, but will be able to register no more than one hundred riders. You need to complete successfully at least 2 LRM events since 2021, including that year. Pretenders with greater experience will be invited first.

Fields below are not mandatory right now, but we will need them to register your successful ride with ACP. You may provide that information later. Your name in Latin below is only needed if you want it to be different from the above.

Privacy note

After the finish, the results of the ride will be published on this website; the list will contain country, name, and result of each rider who has started. We don't disclose any other information about participants without their consent.

From the opening of entry till the ride start we will show a summary about registered riders on the Who will come page, and also list there the people who wanted their name to be shown on that page. If you wish your country and name to be listed, please set the relevant flag in the registration form. You will be able to change your decision after you have registered.

On the back: Near the Chuya Steppe

Near the Chuya Steppe. Photo by Alexey Zyryanov